Saturday, August 17, 2002

Volunteers End Hunt for Va. Girl
What is going on? This year has seen a rash of horrible crimes against young females, both here and abroad (I am thinking of those two poor children in England as I write this.) Is it just because the news organizations are getting better at disseminating lurid, sensational news or is it maybe that there are so many more of us these days that things like this are just bound to happen more often?
My own take is that there is such a thing as evil in this world, and it does not only take the form of zealots killing innocents for political/religious reasons. We have been lulled, over these past 50 or so years, into thinking that "evil" is a relative term and that there is no such thing as a conscious evil entity trying to subvert our souls. C.S. Lewis had it right when he wrote the Screwtape Letters. There are evil spirits at large who are trying to gain possession of us. And, since we have let down our guards--so to speak--they are finding it easier to subvert people to the point where they are capable of doing these horrible things.
Not that this makes much difference in how we, as beings living in this material realm, should react to individuals who perpetrate crimes against children. Anyone who would harm a child has become, in my opinion, anathema and has forfeited any claim to mercy. These people strike at our very future and should, again in my opinion, be permanently removed from this sphere of reality.

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