Wednesday, August 28, 2002

I still haven't finished the deep *cough-cough* piece I was writing. The more I struggle over it, the more I think that it won't ever be finished. No great loss, I think.
OK, because I don't want to be one of those old farts who constantly repeat themselves, telling the same story over and over again ad nauseum, I went back and checked to see what I've written so far about grandparenthood. Having found the one short entry, I know what I can talk about without worry of being repititious. One thing I did find was that I had already mentioned my sweetie's name in an earlier entry. Not that I think I get a lot of traffic, or that said traffic is going to go digging around in archives for out of date tidbits, I'm just a little uncomfortable mentioning the names of kids on the I'm editing that post and my baby will be Dulce from hence forth.
All of my children were born when I was in my twenties. I enjoyed them immensely as babies and children, but I hadn't a clue what I was doing. My three kids are like peas in a pod...very close together in age, so I didn't have a lot of time to reflect between the time one finished any particular stage and the time the next one arrived at said stage. Plus I was somewhat involved with myself...doing what it took to provide those kids with the necessary food, clothing, shelter and the fad of the moment.
With my Dulce, I have much more of both perspective and knowledge to work with. Consequently, being with her as she begins this journey through life is, in many ways, richer than it was the first time around. Possibly, because I have found myself, lately, thinking more of endings as I move into the fall of my years, being around Dulce makes me think of beginnings--and this is a good thing. It is cool to watch her become absolutely mesmerized by something I hardly give a thought to as she struggles to make sense out of this world. As she does this, I remember again and again that she is doing this totally cold, no road maps, no associative memory hooks, no anything other than what is physically in her head to help her in this task. It is boggling to watch her solve problems. Her current problem is one of movement: she needs to learn how to crawl, but, until we figure out the movement of legs and arms, rolling suffices (unless Granddad is kind enough to put her in a walker thingy...she has figured out that pushing makes her move, but she hasn't quite got direction in hand yet...)
But now it is time for lunch: more to come later...

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