Saturday, August 17, 2002

Bush Warns Democrats on Spending
I love this shit. Instead of listening to his father reminisce about supply-side economics (that's where all the tax cut as a panacea for all troubles bullshit comes from), he should be reading the Peter Principle and start thinking about what it means to be promoted to one's level of incompetency.
According to this news report, GWB is blaming the Democrats for the current budget deficit. Seems that the Federal Government is looking at a 165 billion dollar deficit this year, and it is all the Democratic controlled Senate's fault. Seems the Senators have asked for a couple hundred million more than the Administration in areas such as public housing, agricultural research and NOAA. In addition, Bush rejected $5.1 billion in "extra spending I did not ask for." This money was, in part, for airport security and aid for both Israel and the Palestinians.
Of course, it is hard to see how this all adds up to the 165 billion the Feds are going to fall short this year. Perhaps it is all those tax cuts George is pushing through for his wealthy friends. Just maybe it was that 1.35 trillion dollar tax cut that he demanded (and got) from a Republican controlled house and a Senate which was too afraid to challenge him.
If the Democrats don't take full advantage of this opportunity to wrest control of Congress from the Republicans, and begin the task of making GWB another one-term Bush president, the shame will be on their shoulders.

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