Saturday, August 31, 2002 - 10,000 march against wealth divide - August 31, 2002
So, here we are. The totally self absorbed, Me Generation policies of our unelected president seem designed to drive an insurmountable wedge between the US and the poor of the world. This country, which was once a beacon of hope to that same constituency, is now perceived as the prime source of repression and exploitation in the world.
And, children, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. As far back as the Club of Rome's report "The Limits to Growth" written in 1972, we have been repeatedly warned that our profligate use of the world's resources would, in the end, come back to haunt us. In a real way, hundreds of millions are beginning to look at the events of 9/11/01 as the opening salvo against a rapacious and unsustainable society. (Aside: I think the men who planned and carried this attack out were/are evil people who were not supporting the above agenda. But that doesn't lessen their ability to claim they were...and thus become martyrs to the "Cause".) G.W. Bush's refusal to attend this conference, and the obstructionist stance of his delegates are both morally reprehensible and acting against the best interests of this country.
At times like this, I dispair for my country.

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