Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Some interesting bits from the media

I was browsing through National Geographic Magazine today, and, while there were some fascinating articles, on the whole it was a depressing experience. What NGM is telling us is that we are using up this planet's resources at a prodigious rate. I think or my well loved granddaughter and I worry for her future. What all of this is telling me is that, as a species, we have to get off this planet in big (and I mean in the billions) way within the next one hundred years, or we are going doom both ourselves and our planet.

Then I was skimming through Newsweek, and found this on page 4, "...from an American perspective, the revolutions transforming the Middle East are also deeply sad. They're sad because they underscore what a terrible waste the last decade of American foreign policy has been." We have poured over a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives wasted for no real reason. Once again we are presented with clear evidence that George Bush (the younger) was arguably the worst president of all time. As a result of his presidency, we are left with a crushing debt load, a weak economy and an increasingly isolationist, selfish and fearful national psyche. 

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