Thursday, May 13, 2010

Economic Recovery

It strikes me that, as fast as the private sector is adding jobs, the public sector is shedding them. Either that or freezing salaries/wages or instituting involuntary "furloughs". Anyhow, any good being done in the private sector is being undone by the fiscal conservatives in public office. Also, as was so elegantly proven during the Reagan years, trickle down economics just doesn't  work, so all those huge pay packages and bonuses going to the top couple percent of the population just plain doesn't make its way to the general economy.

And all of this explains why something like 80% of the population does not trust the economy or the earnest protestations by both the government and the mouthpieces of the rich when they tell us things are getting better. From where most of us sit, things are not getting better.

Oh, by-the-way, the organizers of the "Tea Party" are part of the problem, not part of the cure. They are, in fact, all in favor of concentrating wealth to the detriment of the quality of life for the vast majority of the population. Give them their way, and the middle class will vanish from America. We will become a nation of aristocrats and peasants/proletariat. The trend markers are already there; one just has to take the blinders off to see this is true.

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