Saturday, February 06, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Ok, here it is, February, and I am just getting around to New Year's Resolutions. Although, in my defense, there have been extenuating circumstances...which I won't bore the world with. However, I am now ready to deal with my resolves for 2010. In addition to those which primarily affect only me, I am going to make a concerted effort to post more here. (Yeah, yeah...I know that this is not world shaking news considering how few people know this blog exists.While the major reason I will be writing more is that it is something I need to do if only to keep my mind exercised, it does have the potential to impinge upon the lives of other people.

So, let's see if I can bring my average up to...oh, let's go crazy here and aim for...three posts a week. Three posts of at least one paragraph (each containing at lest four sentences, on average) per week is not an overreaching goal. Obviously, this post, as a precursor, doesn't count. So, that means I need to write something else today. Let us (me) begin.

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