Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Family Research Council: Tuesday, April 3, 2007 cites 600,000 year old "evidence".

First of all, credit to where credit is due: I got this from Fred Clark (aka Slacktivist) first posted this alert. It seems that the Family Research Council (FRC), an organization that steadfastly attacks any science which contradicts literal Creationism, has shown its true colors. Namely that its leadership are nothing more than cynical, hypocritical poseurs who actually believe in nothing more than maintaining their power and economic position in this world. You see, in their fervor to show that they are "RTBs" (that's Real True Believers as opposed to the rest of us who are not included in the elect) these people, Tony Perkins foremost among them, reject any science that purports to show that the world...nay, even the universe...is only approximately 6,000 years old. However, in this little attack on the science of Global Warming, Perkins et al cites their own scientific "evidence". The cool thing about this is that the "evidence" they cite is reputed to be 600,000 years old. That's 100 times as old as the Universe.


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