Sunday, April 30, 2006

Job training program for military spouses in jeopardy - EarthLink - Top News

So, this little article caught my eye this afternoon. It is just one further example of how little the Bush administration actually cares for ordinary citizens. Bush will provide tax cuts for millionaires and corporate cronies, but nothing for those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. The Democrats should take issues like this and trumpet them from the housetops. The louder the Dems shout and the harder they push now, even if the Administration manages to find a way to save this program, the Dems can claim that it was their work that actually forced Bush et al to keep this program going.

It is about time that Bush and his rich cronies (and all the other rich who benefit from Bush's largess) realize that their wealth comes at a price, and that price is paying a bigger chunk of the bill for maintaining our society. The elevation of greed to a "social good" over the past forty or so years needs to be re-examined and reversed. Personally, I think the marginal tax rate for income over (arbitrary number follows) $500,000 should be 90%. If one doesn't want to pay that level of taxes, then one should charge less for one's goods and/or services so that one doesn't make that much. Then maybe prices would come down and we would all be better off.

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