Friday, March 26, 2010

Shame on us

Actually, its shame on the Republicans and their fellow travelers. The hysteria surrounding the fact that we now will provide health care for every citizen is showing the world what our national character is. Those who are protesting against the bill are proving to the rest of the human race just how degraded our society and our people have become.

Those who oppose the bill because of its potential (not actuality, mind you) to fund abortions seem to overlook the fact that this is going to save lives which would otherwise be lost. Now, what they are telling us is that a potential life has more value that an actual living, breathing human being. Come again? The insanity of this is beyond belief.

The rest of the the Bill's opponents oppose it, I think, because they are selfish and don't want to share their level of access to the medical profession. So, we have a bunch of selfish assholes allied with a bunch of certifiably insane people opposing the idea that we, as citizens, have a certain obligation towards each other. Therefore, it is up to the rest of us to make sure that we defend and protect the ability of all our citizens to access good, competent Health Care services.

'Nuff said....

1 comment:

Heather Laidlaw Kraft said...