Tuesday, November 04, 2008

An absolute low...

The National Republican Trust PAC is airing an advertisement that, in effect, states that Obama is guilty of radicalism simply by his former association with the pastor of the Christian Church he was affiliated with. Now, Rev.Wright is surely outspoken in his condemnation of the racism that has been rampant in American culture. However, just because he is outspoken in his disgust with the hypocrisy of white America, it does not follow that Obama shares that level of outrage. But, let's face it, Obama is part of the black community...just as he is part of the white community...and, as part of that black community, he must have feelings about how people of his ethnic heritage have been treated in this country.

No, that Republican ad is not only dirty politics, it is blatantly racist in its appeal. That, for no other reason, should make the demise of the Republican Party one of the primary goals of all Americans of good will and open hearts. This kind of evil has to be found, exposed to the bright light of public scrutiny and then expunged, root and branch, from the body politic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are legitimate criticisms of Obama. One could criticize the way his ambition has led him to move from job to job without accomplishing all that much. That being said the Republican criticisms are off the mark. Yes, we all meet people who have checkered pasts. I, for one, have attended meetings with IRA members, I am not an IRA member and I doubt Obama is a member of the Weather Underground.