Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It has been awhile...

Yeah, yeah...I does not develop a devoted following by not publishing for months at a time. It has been about 90 days (one calendar quarter) since I last set virtual pen to virtual paper and then nailed same up to the virtual chestnut tree. My only excuses are that; 1) I've had a great deal going on in my non-virtual life: 2) I've been more or less suffering from a form of writer's block. In other words, I have a lot of introductory sentences/paragraphs for pieces, but I don't have the bodies or the closes for them.

But, wait! That's not entirely true anymore. I actually do have a couple of complete, coherent posts to upload here. Not right now, however, Right now I have to get back to work...bleh! I will try to get one or two more posted later today/tonight. However, as a teaser, consider the snowglobe.

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