Thursday, October 14, 2004

TV Host O'Reilly Accused of Harassment - EarthLink - General News

Jesus! I hope and pray that they nail the lying, two-faced thug on this one. His immediate counter suit and his polished onair counterattack lead me to believe that this was a well planned, well rehearsed response to something that he knew was, inevitably, going to come. He knew that his behavior was going to elicit a response, sooner or later, and he was damned well going to be ready for it. It was like a tripwire had been activated, and the couterattack just flowed.

I always knew that O'Reilly's monumental ego was going to be his ultimate doom. It appears that this very well could be the case. Of course, he could ride this out and continue on his bullying ways without even blushing about his attacks on Bill Clinton for essentially the same sort of behavior. To quote Mr. O'Reilly, "Shame on you!!"

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