Friday, April 16, 2010

Pointy little heads

The “pointy headed” people were down in front of the post office yesterday. They had their signs beating on Obama and comparing him to Hitler…and they haven’t a clue that the conservative leaders are really the slave masters. These dupes have allowed themselves to be purchased, body, mind and soul, by the people who long for the good old days of feudalism when the lords of the manor (them) owned every thing and everyone else (us).

The more I see of the Tea Party movement, the more I think of the KKK in days gone by. These people are seeing the white America of their dreams (because that particular view of America never was a reality) fade even further into the mist, and they are watching their perceived grasp on the reins of power slip away. The laughable fact of the matter is, however, that they actually have much more in common with their perceived “enemies” (ie. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Indians (both kinds) than they do with their purported “leaders” (read: masters).

As an example, the cost of using mass transit in New Jersey is about to take a large step upwards. Mass transit is how large numbers of the white blue and white collars workers get to work. Their leaders get to work in limos or their own luxury SUVs, and they don’t care that gasoline will cost over $3.00 a gallon for regular this summer. Lower taxes, and the wealthy get most of the benefit while those lower on the wealth ladder end up paying the freight. But those poor, pathetic white males who make up most of the Tea Party just don’t see it.

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