Friday, November 30, 2007

What are they thinking, Part 3

So, I'm driving along today, on my way up to my Mom's to do some more overseeing of the reconstruction, when I ended up stopped at a light behind a guy driving a bright red Corvette. I immediately leapt to the conclusion that he would be off the line when the light changed like a shot, and I could get ahead of that Annoying SUV parked in the left lane. Instead this guy creeps ahead when the light changed. He was going so slowly that little old ladies in those powered mobility scooters were passing him; kids on roller blades were passing him. He was not going fast, in other words.

So, my question is, "Why did this guy lay out big bucks for a relatively uncomfortable car?" I mean, the Corvette is not, by any means, a luxury car: it is a fast, muscle car. It's got tons of power and it goes very fast. If you aren't going to tweak it at lights (when you have the chance) or on relatively traffic free back country roads, then why buy the damn thing? One thing it is not is a luxury car. I guess it all comes down to it being another case of somebody having more money than brains.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would guess that he was busily shaving, paring his nails with a large sharp knife, or engaged in some other equally manly pursuit.

Or possibly his midlife crisis and fading eyesight were synchronous. How ironic (in one common and possibly incorrect usage of the term)

MAYbe he was, at that very moment, blogging on his smartphone about the gentleman in the subaru riding his ass.

the possibilities are many.
