Thursday, June 03, 2010

Junk Mail

There is something wrong with this: I just went and looked at the Junk Mail folder for Thunderbird. This is the junk mail that gets through the filtering process provided by my various mail servers. Thunderbird has instructions to delete junk mail after 30 days. That provides me an opportunity (seldom taken) to review what is in my junk folder just in case Thunderbird made a mistake. Today was one of those rare occasions that I did look, but I wasn’t looking because I thought Thunderbird made a mistake. No, I was looking for another reason entirely.

I went and checked my junk mail folder because Thunderbird told me there were 862 unopened emails in that folder. That is 862 offers for Viagra and other worthless dreck. That 862 doesn’t include the regular ads I get from places like Amazon, etc.- ads that I glance at before moving one.

All I can do is shake my head and marvel at the venality of the human race. First, the greed, avarice and lust (3/4 of these have to do with sex in one way or another) of the people flooding the net with these broadcast emails. Second, the stupidity and/or desperation of the people who actually answer these ads has to be enough to make it profitable to keep sending them out. And that is the key. If people just stopped answering these things, sooner or later the spammers out there would run out of money, or just get discouraged from the lack of results, and they would stop.

Yeah…like that would ever happen.

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