I just checked my email, and there, sitting proudly in my inbox was an urgent post from TrueMajority.org. It seems that TrueMajority is appalled (with reason) by what is transpiring in Tibet of late. Anyhow, they want me to sign a petition to be delivered to the Chinese government calling for China's President to at least hold talks with the Dalai Lama. However, the letter they plan to deliver was obviously written by a true Sissy. The letter (in its entirety) says:
"We call on the Chinese government to live up to its international obligations and respond to the Tibetan protests with peace and nonviolence. President Hu Jintao, we call upon you to open up a direct dialogue with the Dalai Lama to work toward a long term solution."
What I want to draw your attention to is the part which asks China to "...respond to the Tibetan protests with peace and nonviolence." Yeech!! How wussy can you get? Jesus! Why not hit 'em where it really hurts...the pocketbook. "Stop beating up on the Tibetans or we will boycott all products made in China. Your economy will crash and you will have a billion angry peasants of your own to worry about." Of course, that would mean that Americans and Europeans would have to suck up and stop purchasing shit made in China, and that would probably throw a crimp into our economies also. On the other hand, manufacturers who were quick off the mark and moved their production lines to other cheap labor markets could score big.
Deliver that note to the Chinese, and all you do is risk a few cases of apoplexy caused by them laughing too hard. Sheesh!