Saturday, September 09, 2006

Let's just start over, again

OK, I haven't posted anything for almost two months. For that period of time I have been mainly working on a business plan, dealing with "home renovations" and the crush of life in the summer time. To wit, as I type this, I am also shepherding a bevy of burgers on the grill. Also, I find that I now have blog space scattered all over cyberspace. In addition to this (my preferred journal), I have space on Livejournal, MySpace, Vox, Google, Yahoo and two or three other places. It is a case of too many riches. I get an idea for an entry (oops...hold the thought: I have to go slice cheese to make the burgers cheeseburgers. BRB)

And I'm back...some 2+ hours later..., so, where was I? Ah yes, too many blogs. Actually, I haven't really used any of the newer blogs, in fact...DAMN!!... Mosquitoes!! (Another confession: I'm actually typing this on the laptop which is set up on the patio primarily as a music source. It was warm today, so the bloodsuckers are out and about this evening. I'm going to have to close things down out here and move back to the office machine to finish what I plan to cover tonight. Hmmm...I dunno, maybe the triple vodka-on-the-rocks and two Pale Ales are beginning to affect my balance or something. This might never get back out of the draft stage...but, here goes anyhow...see you in a few...ha!)

Well, it didn't make it out of the draft stage that fact it is now a few (like 6) days later, and I have actually put up a real post (see below). Now I'm trying to figure out just what a meme is and why I was chosen to receive it and what to do with it now that I have it. Now, it could be that what I am playing with is not the meme, and is only the result of bad coding or something. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that the meme is actually how to get into this particular site...and then how to make the appropriate changes and pass it along...I think I'll go play for a bit...

Anyhow, I think I'll have time to do some more regular posting to the blog for the next couple of least. That is the current plan, but we'll see if this latest plan actually gets past the "plan" stage to the "action" part.

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