Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Bush urges critics be responsible on Iraq - Yahoo! News

Hah! I'll bet he does, and it is no surprise that anyone who "..claim that we acted in Iraq because of oil, or because of Israel or because we misled the American people" falls into his "partisan critic"/dishonest critic/giving-comfort-to-the-enemy traitor category. Basically, what he wants us to debate is...nothing. I mean, the war itself was done right and was over quickly. It's what to do with the place after deposing the previous regime that is the bitch. And, of course, why we were there in the first place. Bush cannot take that off the table. We cannot let him even attempt to take that off the table.

So, Mr. President, I protest your callow and cavalier treatment of all your fellow citizens who feel that you are about the worst thing to happen to this country since Herbert Hoover. I question the motives that led you to place my fellow citizens in harm's way by committing them to a virtually unwinable war. I question why you diverted resources from the actual war on terror (which we're not doing all that well with) to pursue this adventuristic path.

And, while I'm at it, let me note that, even though the net number of jobs in the economy grew last quarter, the wages of those jobs did not keep pace with inflation. In other words, all of us who aren't in the top 5% of the economic ladder are a little worse off economically today than we were at this time last year. So, Mr. President, I plan to hold your feet to the fire about the economy, the fiasco in Iraq and the fact that that said fiasco has, in effect, painted a great big bullseye on this country. I am sure that you know that, sooner or later, our fundamentalist Islamic enemies are going to start targeting Homeland American targets rather than troops who can at least shoot back. When that happens, by the way, I hope to hell that at least some of your supporters will wake up and realize that you are responsible. Mr. President, I'm sorry, but you are a travesty and a liability to us. The sooner you are removed from a position where you can hurt us like you have been doing, the better for the United States. Taking control of the congress from your hands is a good first step towards that end. (Impeachment would be better, but we have to wait until we get congress back before we initiate those proceedings...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of Bush's attempts to cast aspersions on his critics. The truth is that the US was led into war by a plan based on lies. At this point I don't really know what the war was fought for. I vacillate between Israel and Oil. Ultimately it has to be about oil because if there were no oil nobody would care what was going on in the middle east. The reason I cannot say it is totally about oil, is that I don't see any gain in the entire Iraq affair.

At this point we should outsource the war. Tell the Arabs that it's partition with no oil, or cooperation and support (with lots of support from the Saudis). Why the Bushies have no balls to do this I don't know? If the Arabs don't want to play, lets support free Kurdistan and move on out.