Thursday, July 25, 2002

So, I pick up my copy of Information Week and there is this cover story about Blogging...and the next thing I know is that I'm here and typing something inane. Oh well, this is just to get me started...break the ice, so to speak...get rid of that blank page in the typewriter. (For those of you who are true children of the 90s, a typewriter was something like a printer with a key board. You entered your thoughts directly to hard copy and skipped all the computer stuff. While I preferred the electric models, I also owned at least one totally manual portable -a Royal, if I remember correctly- model. The upside was that they were not expensive and they were portable. The downside was that, even with correct-tape, mistakes could end up meaning one had to retype a page...or many as the case may be. But, I digress...)

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